These were the words I said to Nina as we were getting on the plane last Tuesday..."Not goodbye, but see you later." They are words of hope and not reality at this point. Certainly saying goodbye to Nina was really hard for us all. We have become family and not knowing when we will see her again is hard. We were able to Skype with her a few nights ago and that was sweet, but not the same as being able to sit in the same room and chat with her. Little Monkey, especially, is missing Nina.
However, we were really thankful to make some wonderful memories our last month in Guatemala. From a visit with my mom, a trip to Tikal (more on that coming soon), a team from Lipscomb University, a visit to Semuc Champey (um...gorgeous!!), saying goodbye to our friends in the valley, and a sweet final few days with our precious teammates. are a few pictures of our last few weeks. I promise I will update you on our visit with my mom, little Cesar, and how we are transitioning back into life here. But we have been caught into a major whirlwind, so those updates will come as I am able to breathe. Mark and Little Man are heading back to Guatemala on Friday. We would certainly covet your prayers for them as they travel.
Hanging out on the porch with the team |
Dancing Beauty saying goodbye to some neighbor friends |
Hanging out with team |
Semuc Champey |
Playing at Semuc Champey with the team |
Playing at Semuc Champey with Nina |
Our last morning with Nina just before heading to the airport |
Our last full day in Guatemala, hanging out in Antigua |
The Lipscomb team |
A sweet day with Kris and DeeDee in Antigua |
The kids in Tikal (more pictures to come) |
Playing with Roberto's kids & saying goodbye to his wife |
Little Monkey & Roberto's wife, Romelia |
Thanks so much for sharing these amazing pictures, and keeping us in the loop. J. was just asking about your little ones, and missed them for the Easter celebrations at church this past weekend. Hope you are well. SEE YOU SOON.