So, I have to admit something.... I am a bed snob. Back in Tennessee, tucked into the engineering masterpiece of our old house, lies the most comfortable mattress in the world. I have known this for quite sometime, but it has been confirmed moving here. I have struggled to be comfortable sleeping in the house we lived in in Antigua, in any hotel, and now on the air mattress here in the Ulpan. It has been a struggle & I truly shed tears the night before we moved out of our old house--- because of my mattress.
Yesterday, I was convicted however, that my love of mattresses translates into a bit of an idol of comfort in my life. I really like to be comfortable. I like my comfortable mattress, a comfortable couch, a nice comfy recliner, a comfortable rocking chair, comfortable chairs around a kitchen table, warm blankets (lots of them)--- these are all things I value.... perhaps too much. Yesterday, I went with Mark to a meeting in another village. The meeting of the water committee took place in the home of the president of the water committee. They invited us in & we sat in some terribly uncomfortable wooden chairs & benches as well as on a bed. Here is where my heart was convicted. There was NO MATTRESS!!! I'm not just talking a relatively uncomfortable mattress.... I'm talking none at all. And each bed had one blanket on it--- it's cold here.... have I mentioned that. I mean, I've been sleeping in fleece pajamas, wool socks, covered with several blankets & I'm still cold!!! And this family sleeps on a wooden bed with nothing soft underneath covered with one blanket. I was humbled!!
Our kitchen--- with Nina waving to you! |
The other side of the kitchen is our school room |
I am even more humbled to show you these pictures.... because although we share this house with 9 people, we have SO MUCH MORE than any of our neighbors. And it is humbling. The things I found myself complaining about the first week we were here, I now find myself being very thankful for. I pray that I will continue to have eyes to see what the Lord would teach me here and that my heart would change and that would translate into changing my life. Here's hoping!!! But.... I think I will still come home & sleep on the most comfortable mattress in the world with a new found love and appreciation for it.
Our awesome porch.... we spend lots of time out here and it's really nice to be able to still be outside even when it's raining (which is really frequent) |
Meeting the neighbors |
the best thing we packed & the only way to contain Little Monkey |
Our bed-- notice the boxes under the bed-- that's our dressers |
we bought an inflatable couch while in the states a few weeks ago--- did you know such things existed? I didn't, but I'm sure thankful for it--- again.... idol of comfort, but it sure beats sitting in a plastic chair. |
our wash station where we wash hands & brush teeth |
Another view of the school room |
Thanks so much for the pictures of your home. It really helps me to see it. You all have done an amazing job of making it work. Love you: j-j