As we went home, everyone asked me if we were thankful to be home & have all the "comforts" that home brings. Honestly, the thing I find that I miss the most living here-- and therefore the thing I was most thankful for at home was FAMILY and FRIENDS!!! We will post more about our life in the valley once we are back there & can take some pictures, but truly, I can live with the bucket-toilet, heating water to bathe, no ice cream (though I probably miss ice cream more than a flushable toilet). We live in one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life, but I daily find myself waking up & saying, "Man, I wish __________ could see this." I usually fill in the blank with a dear friend or member of our family. So, that is what was so wonderful about being home this last week. We really just soaked up time with family like a dry sponge. We have been spoiled in that we live near much of our family, so being away has been a shock to our system.

Being able to be there for the funeral of Mark's grandfather was so very special. We were really glad we made the trip. He was a veteran from World War II, so the military portion of the service was particularly moving. We were able to visit with extended family from all over the country and it was very special to spend the weekend with Mark's sisters.... both of whom are expecting is scheduled to arrive a week from today!!!
And we loved spending sweet time with our little nephew--- he and Little Monkey can get into trouble faster than you can blink. And, of course, Little Man would have been remiss had he not spent some time teaching his young apprentice the art of Jedi warfare.
All of this made me realize how very, very thankful I am for family. I talked on the phone with my sisters and dad (who don't live in Knoxville) as much as we could and found myself incredibly thankful for the wonders of modern communication.
There were, of course, several "creature comforts" I was really thankful to enjoy this past week..... here are a few:
smooth roads, hot showers, high-speed internet,
comfortable chairs and mattresses.
Now we are back in Antigua... We will be here for a few days as Mark will be a part of some important meetings. We would appreciate your prayers for these meetings-- for clarity, unity, and a clear vision for the project ahead of us. Once through those meetings, we hope to return to the Ulpan Valley and begin (again) the life and work the Lord has for us there.
We are also very thankful for safe travel yesterday, friends here in Guatemala who took care of our car while we were away & picked us up at the airport and others who have opened their home to us these next few days. Returning has been easier than I expected-- so far. It is nice to return and things not feel quite so foreign. And we are all eager and ready to return to life in the Ulpan Valley. When we left, I expected Little Man to say, "I don't want to go back." But instead he said, "I want all our family and friends to come with us!" That was a good change, I think.
Finally, we are so very thankful for the support system we have-- all of you are so wonderful and we value your prayers, love, support, and encouragement more than you could ever imagine.