I thought those of you who have lived in other cultures would appreciate just a few of the adjustments we are all having to make:
1. Don't turn on the water when you brush your teeth.
2. Put the toilet paper in the trash can, not in the toilet.
3. Little Monkey has had to learn how to navigate stairs as our living room has stairs in them. 3 weeks ago, she fell down stairs.... now she goes up & down without difficulty.
4. All kids have had to learn the benefit of walking slow on hard tile floors-- a few big knots on heads helped that one sink in.
5. The trick of pouring a full box of milk (yes.... milk comes in boxes) without spilling it everywhere.
6. The trick of getting the 5 gallon jug of Agua Pura on the dispenser without completly soaking yourself & the kitchen (that's when you're thankful for tile floors).
7. Keep your mouth closed in the bath or shower.
8. Lots of language adjustments..... is it really necessary to have 14,000 ways to say is/am/are????
.... I'm sure there will be more to come--- especially when we move out to the "sticks" as we call it in East Tennessee.
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