The letting go process is really hard and I really don't like it very much, if I'm honest. Last night we gave our sweet lady chickens to a dear friend. It may sound silly that we were so attached to birds...but we were. I've really missed them today everytime that I've looked out my back window. We know they will be in great care and well loved and do their chicken thing really well. But it's just the beginning of a month that will be filled with lots of letting go. As our little man said last night, "We are losing so much right now". He is right on one hand and for a seven year old (and this thirty-three year old sometimes), it's hard to see past the losing and the letting go. We are very confident that we are following what we are being led to do. God has made it abundantly clear that he wants us to move to Guatemala: providing for every detail, every step of the way. Even the fact that our sweet friends wanted our chickens is one of those details. But that does not change the fact that the letting go is very difficult. Little Man and I have cried a lot lately and talked about how it is okay to cry. The hard thing for me to communicate with him is this: just because something is hard or sad, does not mean we aren't supposed to obey. Such an important life lesson and one that I need to repeat to myself daily. We know that we are going to gain a lot in the next year, but it's hard to explain that. He is really struggling with the unknown and wants "life to just be normal again". It is hard for this momma to watch him struggle and know that he is hurting. I want to fix it, but I also know that the hurting is good for him and he is being shaped and it is bringing us into awesome conversation and we will not be the same at the end of this journey. We would covet your prayers for all of us as we are letting go-- but especially for the kids as they each process in their own way....thanks friends.

Thank you for being so honest, Katie. Change and letting go is so very hard. I'm praying for you all as you walk by faith each day...and wait to see how God will fill the empty places. You are bringing Him glory as you trust Him through the tears.