Both grandmothers are much relieved that Mark & I are both taking some extra classes to be more medically prepared in our rural setting. I spent 8 hours Saturday listening to Marty tell me how to help save people's lives through CPR, choking, etc. I now have 7 certificates from the American Red Cross & feel like a better mom! Though I was completely exhausted & rather brain dead afterwards, I do feel better prepared & probably should have taken that course about 7 1/2 years ago. We're lucky to not have had any critical emergencies in our house yet...especially with the number of legos I pull out of Katherine's mouth on a daily basis. I did have to chuckle a little, however, that with every scenario given, the first thing I learned to do was say to someone, "Call 911, we have an emergency!" Not so useful in Guatemala, but will be good to remember when we come home. I decided down there I'll shout, "Go find Daddy!! We have an emergency!" because...
Daddy is taking a weekend course this weekend at REI in Atlanta which will cover Wilderness Medicine. So, for our rural setting, I'll be triage & he'll be the hospital :-). In all seriousness, we're glad to be getting a few tools in our back pocket that we can use in case of emergencies, but we are certainly prayerful that we won't have to use many of those tools (and you can pray the same).
Several of you have been asking me how our support raising is coming. Well, we're up to $52,000 of our $75,000 goal. We feel incredibly blessed to have so many people standing with us on this journey. If you're reading this, you're one of those people. Thank you so much!!
We are still praying for the sale or rent of our house. That's definitely forefront on our minds right now & the cause of most of our stress, so we would appreciate your prayers about that.
We're getting more excited with each passing day. I spent most of my day yesterday researching apartments/houses in Antigua and studying up on language schools.'s all coming together!